Check out the trailers from this year's SDCC after the jump!
Oh almost forgot but the Superman and Batman is going to happen!
The Legend of Korra - Book 2 Trailer
Out of the way children!!! Korra is back! Definitely a big change up thematically from season one. Where book one was more of a big city action caper, book two feels more like we're delving into the realm of the phantasmagorical and it looks just as epic. It doesn't stop there we're getting introduced to a host of the new characters and more importantly Korra's family. But the most important thing is that we got rough idea of when book 2 will start airing September. Now I don't know if this makes it easier or harder to wait for!
The Walking Dead Season 4 Trailer
Season 3 started amazing and ended on a whimper, so I hope season 4 doesn't do the same because it looks freaking awesome in this SDCC trailer.
Kick-Ass 2: Extended NSFW Trailer
This sequel looks like great fun and giving the fans more of what they want, hit-girl! We're getting more of a back story of how red-mist or the mutha fucker as he like to be called now assembles his evil gang. The makeup and SFX for the severed hand were pretty sub-par but its a minor gripe.
Riddick - Red Band Trailer
OK image if "The Chronicles of Riddick" never happened and this was the true sequel to "Pitch Black". Its basically the James Cameron Aliens formula combined with Pitch Black and you know what? That enough for Riddick movie because lets face it all we want is Riddick to be put in intense situations where he can be badass and say cheesy lines in his incredibly badass voice.
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